Upon completion of the Dental Assistant program at 皇冠hg2020手机app下载, students will achieve the following outcomes:
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of dental terminology and the dental sciences.
- Collect systematically and record accurately diagnostic and clinical data.
- Employ current principles of effective chairside assisting for general and dental specialty procedures and dental/medical emergencies.
- Demonstrate proficiency in performing expanded functions for Minnesota licensed dental assistants.
- Implement current principles and guidelines of dental infection control, aseptic techniques and hazards management.
- Prepare and manipulate chairside and dental laboratory materials and fabricate dental models, trays and appliances.
- Provide oral health instruction to dental patients and community groups.
- Perform effectively patient reception and dental business office procedures.
- Communicate effectively and establish positive working relationships with patients and members of the dental health care team.
- Function in a responsible, professional and ethical manner.